Micah came into this world on December 18, 2019. His parents, Myles and Aly, are good friends of mine (I am Myles's most obnoxious groupie at his shows - if you aren't following him yet, you should: https://www.facebook.com/wangerinmyles/). Over the years, Aly and I have become close - they even let me plan Micah's baby shower!
Needless to say, I was a little more than excited to meet this little nugget.
We had initially scheduled his pictures for the weekend after he came home, but I had a cold brewing. Now, I understand how irritating it may seem to reschedule newborn pictures, but trust me - I do not go around babies when I am sick, especially ones this preciously new.
My favorite part about lifestyle sessions is that they are so REAL. Micah's two fur siblings even go to join in (after suspiciously staring at me anytime I would come near their brother).
Aly sent me an inspiration picture before the shoot. As both parents are avid musicians, incorporating the pretty guitar was essential to creating the formation of this little family.
I am so excited to watch you two as parents, and hang out with Micah as he grows up <3